I wrote a while back about Political Venom, how the political scene is so polarized honest debate has been left behind, and the common tactics is insults to the opposing view instead of a debate on the merits of an issue.
Now there is a move to re-institute the Fairness Doctrine among other calls in some form to regulate speech some consider as “hate” or incite full”. This is NOT THE ANSWER to the problem. I am not sure what is the answer, other than stopping the insults and lets talk about the issue, but limiting speech is limiting ideas and debate where it exists.
The only way any sort of regulation can be achieved with force is by the Government, the First Amendment was designed specifically to prevent this, to NOT LET GOVERNMENT decide what can and cannot be said. If government is given the power to censor or limit speech it finds offensive, obscene, hateful, incite full or by other prescribed method, government has been given a mechanism to limit or prevent speech which may not be in its interest and prevent it in one of those names. This gives a means to prevent or limit the strongest dissent of government, which in contrary to the Constitution, American spirit and the American Founding, which were all based on the Strongest dissent of Government.
Limiting or censoring speech can only have one certain consequence, the exchange of ideas and debate will be limited, and limited debate cannot lead to the possibility of the best answers to the questions the Nation faces.